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Development Control Strengthening in Tanzania

We support PO-RALG to improve urban planning and development control processes at national, municipal council and local government levels.

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Years active:

2020 - 2022

Related ICLEI Pathway(s)


Ilala, Kigamboni, Kinondoni, Temeke, Ubungo, Dar es Salaam City council, Babati, Bariadi, Bukoba, Geita, Iringa, Kibaha, Lindi, Korogwe, Morogoro, Moshi, Mpanda, Musoma, Njombe, Shinyanga, Singida, Songea, Sumbawanga and Tabora.

Project summary

In the last two decades Tanzania has experienced rapid population growth and accelerated urbanisation. It is envisaged that if current trends continue, the urban population will double roughly every 14 years and planning and land administration systems have been unable to keep up with the high service demand caused by this rapid growth. This has led to chaotic, sprawling urban growth and land use patterns, as well as increased infrastructure costs and challenges to provide basic facilities – and in some cases, development related conflicts due to competing demands. Thus, there is a need to develop an appropriate skillset and toolkit among planners and other LGA staff to support them in taking on roles as coordinators, enablers of private investment, marketers, regulators and enforcers. There is also a need for a shift in everyday practice away from development of economic and urban plans in isolation, and toward a more integrated approach. The development of new tools, systems and training at all levels of government (ministerial, zonal, regional secretariat, municipal, ward, mtaa) is needed

ICLEI has therefore been appointed, along with local partners to lead an urban planning and development control strengthening program which will assess opportunities for strengthening current practices, develop comprehensive training materials, and ultimately deliver targeted trainings to civil servants and elected officials at the ministerial, regional secretariat, municipal level in 26 Tanzanian cities and towns. The program will also prepare and pilot intensive development control training at the ward, and sub-ward (mtaa) level in Dar es Salaam, while also laying the groundwork for future scale up of these trainings throughout Dar es Salaam and in other Tanzanian cities and towns.

Project aims

  • Equip urban Local Governments with the skills, knowledge and protocols needed for effective development, implementation, and enforcement of urban plans through developing a curriculum that combines seminars, workshops, mini-conferences and knowledge exchanges. The project aims to incorporate training collaborators, IRDP (Institute of Rural Development Planning), LGTI(Local Government Training Institute)  and Ardhi University.
  • Equip staff in government ministries, zonal offices, and regional administrative secretariats to guide the development of quality urban plans and to support and monitor Local Government implementation and enforcement of urban plans and urban development laws/regulations
  • Inform the public of rules and regulations governing urban development and increase voluntary compliance with urban development plans, laws and regulations through a robust public awareness campaign.
  • Develop an urban research platform that collates spatial research and other relevant outputs from Tanzania into a common repository to allow for easy reference.
  • Develop modules, carry out training and create an online training course to equip government authorities, at various levels, on aspects regarding innovative urban planning practices and development control processes. The training aims to adopt a ”train the trainer” approach will ensure sustainability and longevity of this learning programme.

Project partners

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team manager

Main project contact


Paul Currie

Associate Director: Urban Systems Unit
Development Control Strengthening in Tanzania