
The wide range of activities ICLEI Africa is engaged in across the continent reaches over 450 cities and regions in 53 countries.

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our project activities

Our Members and team of experts work together through peer exchange, partnerships and capacity building to create systemic change for urban sustainability through our multi-faceted projects.

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We manage over 50 projects and programmes, from inception and conceptualisation to implementation, and continue to engage with our cities and towns long after funded projects end.

We offer close to 40 technical and capacity building services and are dedicated to facilitating the right connections to strengthen action and drive change.

We co-develop projects and programmes with our cities and regions, from conceptualisation to implementation, and continue to engage with them long after funded projects end.

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Transforming Africa’s Urban Food Systems

Transforming Africa’s Urban Food Systems

We address the systemic underpinnings of food insecurity and environmental impact by strengthening linkages between stakeholders in Africa and Europe.
Supporting inclusive & sustainable food systems

Supporting inclusive & sustainable food systems

We support inclusive and sustainable food systems in the rebuilding economies of KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng Provinces through the FoodforRebuilding project.
Investing in Urban African Food Systems

Investing in Urban African Food Systems

We facilitate the engagement of local governments, partners, investors, financiers and food system stakeholders for investment in urban food systems.
African Circular Cities Initiative

African Circular Cities Initiative

We developed an African approach to circular economy implementation in cities that can improve the uptake of circular ideas and practices.
Accelerating Circular Economy Innovation

Accelerating Circular Economy Innovation

We accelerate circularity in the intersecting areas of food, health and climate change through an incubation programme and knowledge exchange.
Development Control Strengthening in Tanzania

Development Control Strengthening in Tanzania

We support PO-RALG to improve urban planning and development control processes at national, municipal council and local government levels.