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Climate change, energy and resilience

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ICLEI Africa’s Climate Change, Energy and Resilience workstream aims to tackle the climate change crisis in a holistic and systemic fashion, utilising solutions that prioritise the most vulnerable, harness coproduction and multi-level governance, and deploy innovative mechanisms that allow finance to flow to where it is needed most.

Africa is one of the continents least responsible for causing climate change, while bearing a significant burden related to climate change impacts.

This workstream covers:

Climate change mitigation and low emission development

Multi-level governance

Integrated climate change planning

Building coastal resilience

Unlocking climate finance

Sustainable energy access

Clean cooking transitions

Research for sustainable development

Disaster risk reduction

Climate change adaptation and resilience building

Just energy transition

The team

Climate change is a cross-cutting issue that cannot be solved without diverse skills and disciplines, and in light of this, the Climate Change, Energy and Resilience workstream includes engineers, environmental scientists, climate finance experts, researchers, economists and social scientists, who together are driven to enable tangible change that ensures that African cities are at the forefront of the just energy transition, building resilient communities that are able to thrive in the ever-changing world we call home.

Workstream resources

Multi-level Governance Dialogue Report

Multi-level Governance Dialogue Report

Publications & reports
Workshop Report: Serious Games, Policy Dialogue and Clean Cooking

Workshop Report: Serious Games, Policy Dialogue and Clean Cooking

Publications & reports
Renewable energy capacity building needs in Africa

Renewable energy capacity building needs in Africa

Posters & infographics

Workstream projects

Designing Inclusive African City Resilience

Designing Inclusive African City Resilience

We are conducting inclusive and co-created research into what climate-resilient measures can and should be implemented in coastal African cities.
Building resilience through urban natural assets

Building resilience through urban natural assets

We support local governments in Africa to integrate nature-based solutions into land use planning for increased resilience.
Smart Energy Solutions for Africa

Smart Energy Solutions for Africa

We provide energy access technologies and replicable business models and generate local opportunities for economic development and social cohesion.

Workstream news updates

INACCT Resilience research project focuses on urban resilience planning in coastal cities
12 October 2023

INACCT Resilience research project focuses on urban resilience planning in coastal cities

ICLEI Africa supports Mozambique municipalities to develop joint climate and energy plan
15 September 2023

ICLEI Africa supports Mozambique municipalities to develop joint climate and energy plan

Breaking barriers in the adoption of clean cooking technologies in Malawi: The role of finance, awareness and collaboration
18 August 2023

Breaking barriers in the adoption of clean cooking technologies in Malawi: The role of finance, awareness and collaboration